‘Making a Difference’ Award - Skerries Community College

The First Year Awards took place in Skerries Community College on Friday 24th, May. Eanna Keoghan was nominated for the Fingal Prosper ‘Making a Difference’ Award due to his kindness, helpfulness and concern for his fellow students, in particular for his friend who is in a wheelchair.  He helps to carry his bag and shows concern for others.  He helps to make a difference in the lives of others by being a true friend.  He puts others and their needs before himself.  He lives out the true spirit of the College by making a difference to others in his class and Year Group.  Eanna is an inspirational student who strives to ensure all are included in our school community.

See some pictures of Eanna receiving the award from Prosper Fingal’s Terri Albon below.

Prosper Fingal Making a Different Award Skerries Community College

Prosper Fingal Making a Different Award Skerries Community College